


by ClaudiaVannini

October begins with the Solar Eclipse in Libra, on the 2nd. It is the last Eclipse of the year and creates opportunities for the next 6 months. Below, you will find out how your sign feels during this moment. It is positive and should be taken advantage of. On the 9th, Jupiter retrogrades. This movement continues until February 4th, 2025. Normally, large events lose audiences. There is no overcrowding. As the Christmas shopping phase hits, it may be a balanced moment for commerce. There is a tendency for inflation to decrease. Legal issues lose pace and lawsuits are at a standstill in the courts. On the 12th, Pluto in Capricorn returns to its direct movement, at 00:32 UTC. This Pluto position loves to put order in everything and values family, good customs and the protection of privacy. Until November 18th, no modernity. On the 13th, at 19:24 UTC, Mercury enters Scorpio. It continues like this until November 1st, 2024. We can think in a transformative way. Some become more suspicious and look for something hidden. Jealous people should seek psychological help. There is a tendency to see a traitor around every corner and it is not real. This thinking can lead to big mistakes. The good part of this Mercury position is the depth of thought. Many can connect with difficult topics and advance in their academic and philosophical studies. Psychologists and psychiatrists make great progress during this phase.

On the 17th, at 19:29 UTC, Venus moves into Sagittarius. It remains in this sign until November 10th. It is an exciting period for couples. Singles take more risks and tend to relationships without commitment, just for fun. It is a party. Parties and clubs are packed.

On the 22nd, at 21:15 UTC, the Sun enters Scorpio. Babies born at this time and onwards will be the new Scorpios. Congratulations to all who accepted this sign of energy transmutation. Thank you for the work done.

And so ends a month full of astral events. Let’s catch our breath to get to December. Many new challenges await us and we have a lot to do. There are surprises every day. Have a great month!



02nd – SOLAR ECLIPSE in LIBRA, at 18:49 UTC. NEW MOON. Don’t take action on this day.

08th – Emerging Moon in Sagittarius – Good moment for gaining strength

10th – Waxing Moon in Capricorn – At this time there are no guarantees, persist.

15th – Gibbous Moon in Pisces – Time to persevere

17th – FULL MOON in Aries, at 11:26 UTC. Moment of peaks, maximum energy.

22nd – Disseminating Moon in Cancer – Good moment for breaking patterns.

24th – Waning Moon in Leo – Time for retreat, auditing and endings.

31st – Balsamic Moon in Libra – Good moment for healing, forgiveness and breakups.



Marriage and Partnerships. The Solar Eclipse transforms your emotional and business ties. In the next 6 months, you may marry someone or end an important relationship. Those who are in a healthy relationship need not worry. New professional partners will enter your life, while old partnerships will end. In addition, this Eclipse will move your Self. Changes in appearance and behavior are welcome. Your professional life will change. A better job or one that is more aligned with your vocation will appear by March 2025. Your health will remain good because you will naturally start to reorganize your diet and take better care of yourself. Love is good for singles, who feel a lot of energy to start a relationship. Many Aries will have babies this semester. Married people feel a certain pressure. The tip is to moderate your aggressiveness when driving and look at the ground while walking. Small accidents can be avoided. Good luck with this new beginning! Good Days: 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,13,14,15,16,21,22,24,25


Health and Routine! Get ready for a strong Eclipse. Your sign feels this astral movement intensely. In the next 6 months, you will have the opportunity to change jobs and your entire routine, adopt new habits, new schedules and a new diet. You may give up an addiction or start exercising. Finances require extra attention. If there is no news in your home, something may come up with a relative. And you are called to collaborate. Even your faith will change. By March 2025, your routine will be different. This is a good sign! You are growing and developing and should not always stay in the same place. New things are waiting for you. Your marriage or relationship will be reevaluated this month, but there are no signs of a breakup. Since you will have a change in routine, see if your schedule matches your partner’s. Your health remains good. Thank goodness! You have the energy to embrace the new and still help other people. Your children, sons and grandchildren are doing well. There are no risks and no accidents. Good Days: 1,2,9,10,11,12,13,17,18,19,20,26,27,28


Children and Creativity! The Eclipse moves your creative capacity. In the next 6 months, you will have the opportunity to see the world with new eyes. A more artistic and fun look. It doesn’t matter what your field of activity is. Creativity generates money and happiness. You want to work and have fun. Everything can be lighter. This energy brings children into your life. Babies may arrive or you may get closer to your children and grandchildren. Some changes in the house are made so that the little ones can have more fun. Many choose to work with leisure, fun and entertainment. Your Self goes through changes. You question yourself about the choices you made and can change in surprising ways. Marriage and dating suffer during this phase. Everything is under internal audit. Friendships are questioned and new groups become interesting. Students question the degree subject. Until March 2025, a new course and school are on the radar. The tip is to make the changes calmly and drive carefully throughout the month. Good Days: 1,2,3,4,5,11,12,13,19,20,21,22,29,30,31


Home and Family! The Solar Eclipse shakes up your 4th house. You can move house, buy your first home or invest in a property for leisure. Those who are happy where they are can renovate everything. In addition to the material part of the house, the Eclipse moves its members. The family goes through changes. Some Cancers get married and start a new family. Others have children and dedicate themselves to preparing the house and the baby’s room. Your siblings need financial help and you need to reorganize your finances. There is no shortage, but you realize that you are spending uncontrollably. By March 2025, you must balance your income and expenses. If you don’t, you will have to work more. Your workplace may change because government rules are changed. You will be relocated or have to adapt to a new role. There is no job loss. Accept the proposed changes because 2025 will be a very prosperous year. Everything starts now. Gastrointestinal disorders can occur. Your body does a complete cleanse. Rest in the days leading up to the Eclipse. Health is stable, don’t overdo it. Love is going very well. Good Days: 1,2,4,5,11,12,13,14,15,16,19,21,22,23,31


Communication and Short Studies! The Solar Eclipse opens mental doors. You want to learn new topics. In the next 6 months, you will learn something new or specialize in your area. This cultural background changes the way you communicate. You have more strength to express your ideas and dedicate yourself to writing a book, an article or organizing a presentation. Your finances require reorganization. There is no shortage, but you realize that you spend too much. It is time to balance your expenses to have a financial reserve. The Solar Eclipse has a greater impact on you because your sign is ruled by the Sun. So, rest more in the days close to the Eclipse. In addition to these themes, you go through changes in yourself. You may change your appearance or adopt a new behavior. Pay attention to your children and grandchildren. They should be more protected this month. Drive very carefully and attentively when walking down the street. Watch where you step and avoid minor accidents. Health remains good, love is not an issue this month and there are no changes at work. Electronics may freak out. Back up your files. Good days: 4,5,6,7,8,13,14,15,16,18,24,25,29,30,31


Money and Assets! The Solar Eclipse moves your finances. In the next 6 months, new opportunities to earn money and transform your assets/investments will arise. Your job will change. What was holding you back from growing will evaporate. You will be able to move forward confidently in search of recognition. Even the company where you work will be reorganized. During this time, bosses may fall and you may grow. This is a prosperous semester. Your health will be going through a chaotic period. You may get sick this month. The Eclipse is bringing a real cleanse. Intestinal upset and nausea are your body’s message. Include healthy broths. Your family and partner may need you. Financial problems arise in the family and you are called to help. Even with so much going on, you can put things in order. Love is not a topic for this month. The tip is to take care of your finances and your family as a whole. Afterward, you will have time and money to balance your love life. Good Days: 1,9,10,12,13,19,20,21,22,26,27,28,31


A new you! The Solar Eclipse will take place in your sign. Until March 25th, there will be many new things in all areas of your life. The changes are internal and external. You can choose a new study, a new country to live in and a new career. You can develop a life project and transform your entire trajectory. Some new behaviors may emerge. They are the manifestation of this new moment. A new look with changes in your hairstyle and clothes will give it a special touch. A better job may appear. If you are stuck in something lesser, you will realize that you can achieve more and go after it. Some Libras will start studying to later make this professional change. Young people can get their first job during this Christmas period. Students can choose another degree and change schools. Marriages and dating will go through tests, but most survive. Spiritual changes also happen and many will study tarot, astrology and feng shui. The tip is not to travel this month and to back up your files. Excellent health. Good Days: 1,2,3,10,11,12,18,19,20,21,22,23,28,29,30


Akashic Memories! Imagine yourself entering a large astral library. There, you will find all the records of the past, present and future of all beings that have existed, exist and will exist in the multiple Universes. You cannot get all the information, so you choose just one book. You mentally download it and return to Earth. This is what happens in this Eclipse. You have access to a book, an important code for your trajectory. Each Scorpio gets its information. Until March 2025, they will use this content to change their life and the community. It seems like a small thing, doesn’t it? But it is the most important theme of all. It will move the Universes. What a responsibility! In addition to being a transmuter of collective energies, you can change jobs or improve your position. Some friends may leave. Others will come. Your faith is transformed. You study something philosophical or esoteric. After this astral journey, dogmas no longer make sense. Some Scorpios become gurus. Your health is excellent and love remains balanced. Good Days: 1,4,5,11,12,13,14,20,21,22,23,24,25,31


Friendships and Institutions! The Solar Eclipse brings new social groups. You are introduced to other people, clubs, churches, academic centers or places where people gather. It is an opportunity to broaden your horizons. A strong network is as important as individual skills. These new friends can create opportunities for work, love and business until March 2025. Pay attention! The Eclipse can also bring people who take you off track. Choose your friends carefully. You may change jobs. You may find something better or be forced to change. The hierarchy changes and you are relocated. Finances remain stable. The one who needs financial help is your partner or a family member. Health is excellent. Love, on the other hand, is severely tested. Married people and those in love experience some dilemmas in their relationships. There is no strong indication of a breakup. This may be a phase of questioning in order to strengthen the union. It is important to take good care of your electronic files. You may be a victim of fraud. Good Days: 1,4,5,6,7,8,12,13,21,22,26,27,28,30,31


Profession! The Solar Eclipse brings a new job or an important change in the workplace. It is an excellent opportunity to achieve a prominent position. Until March 2025, these changes will occur. If you are an entrepreneur, you may spend 6 months interviewing and hiring people. This can be exhausting, but necessary for the year 2025. Adaptations must be made to adapt to the new rules coming from the Government. You rethink your health and diet. Make healthier choices. Children and young children are protected. Elderly people, such as your parents or older bosses, go through fluctuations. You have to support them and can help your partner with their finances. A lot is happening, but you have all the structure to support them. It is important to take good care of electronics. Make backup copies of important files. Cars and electric motors may break down. Your health remains excellent. Love is balanced. Ideally, you would not drive or travel during this month. Good Days: 1,2,5,9,10,13,14,17,18,26,27,28,29,30


New places and long studies! The Solar Eclipse opens the doors to distant places, other countries, other cultures and foreign languages. Until March 2025, you may go on a long or exotic trip. You may go to a remote or tourist place, a cultural exchange or a spiritual journey. This movement will bring knowledge and changes in the Self. If you don’t travel, you will at least study something more. Those who are studying may change course or school. This Eclipse makes you rethink your life choices. Your finances are fine, but you may help your partner or a relative. There are no emotional breakups, just a reorganization of rights and duties. Your health remains excellent, so there is energy for all the changes. Your professional life is more balanced and you may grow in your career. The tip is to redouble your care for children. Siblings, children, grandchildren and nephews need to be protected this month. Choose pleasant activities and avoid risks. Drive carefully and be aware that electronics can freak out. Good Days: 1,2,3,4,5,10,11,12,13,18,19,20,28,29,30,31


Power and Transformation! The Solar Eclipse moves through your 8th house. It is the sector where you share your power, inheritances, life and sexual strength. It is the place of energy transmutation. In the next 6 months, a lot will change. You don’t need to experience death to know that it exists. You can think about birth and death and rethink your choices. You can let your old self die to start a new cycle. Your finances feel this Eclipse a little. It is time to reorganize the household budget. There is no shortage, but your partner or family member may need your financial help. The events of the next 6 months are more related to family. You manage the situation and are not the protagonist. Babies arrive, and the family grows. The house needs renovation or expansion. It is a busy semester! Thank goodness your health is strong. You have the energy to share all the power you hold. Love remains balanced. The tip is to organize a month with no risky activities. No adventures. Good Days: 4,5,6,11,12,13,14,19,20,21,22,23,30,31


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