by ClaudiaVannini
Neptune and Pluto are a constant and discreet presence in the month of August. They leave their mark on ideological debates. It is a month of great speeches and much discussion. This event affects all regions of our planet. Small towns and large nations have issues that are being developed and questioned. Each social group has a vision of what is best and everyone wants to speak out. We can witness many debates and few changes. Even so, Pluto ensures a slow and wise transformation. Changes are not always visible at this moment. We have to wait decades to understand the full scenario. As always, there is more movement behind the scenes and Pluto enters the story to change everything. We did not see this in July and we will not see it in September. It is specific to this August, which seems quiet but is extremely noisy.
On the 5th, Venus enters Virgo, at 02:23 UTC. Venus will not retrograde in 2024. This facilitates emotional relationships. When in Virgo, Venus shows its most demanding side. Those who are looking for love can become more annoying and intransigent. They can complain about everything, including their partner’s hygiene. It’s not that easy to start a relationship.
Mars continues in Gemini. We have all the courage to speak, give speeches and put our ideas into action. It’s an optimistic and lively position. Those who are more shy should take advantage of this phase to express their thoughts. Artists gain more space.
On August 5th, at 4:56 UTC, Mercury enters its retrograde motion. We already have someone to blame for all the mistakes and errors. It’s the penultimate time, in 2024, that we will experience this emotion. Mercury retrograde in Virgo is a special test. Our organizational skills will be tested. Until August 28th, 21:14 UTC, we have to check each step.
The tips are:
Organize a detailed schedule;
Don’t send messages, send emails;
Be very clear when explaining a subject;
Keep a backup of your digital files;
Keep a good mood and put all the blame on Mercury;
Avoid elective surgeries;
Confirm reservations, flights and hotels.
In addition to Mercury, other planets are in retrograde. All of this delays projects. Money circulates slowly, people are indecisive and contracts take a long time to be signed. That doesn’t mean they won’t happen. Just more slowly.
On the 14th, Mercury retrograde returns to Leo. Between the 14th and 28th, prepare for the disagreement between world leaders. Within countries, problems occur with CEOs of large companies. This tension may reveal errors or financial scandals.
On the 22nd, the Sun enters Virgo. Babies born after 13:56 UTC will be the new Virgos of our Planet. Welcome and best wishes to all who help us with the details and particulars.
On the 29th, Venus enters Libra at 13:23 UTC. This position is wonderful for couples and lovers. There is understanding and harmony between the parties. Keep expectations moderate for this month. Many Planets are in retrograde. Neptune and Pluto acting from behind the curtain. Consider delays and cancellations. Always have a plan B. Be grateful, it could be worse. Be Happy on Earth!
01st – Balsamic Waning Moon in Cancer – Moment conducive to healing, forgiveness and breakups
04th – NEW MOON in LEO, at 11:12 UTC – Moment conducive to launching businesses and ideas
10th – Emerging Moon in Libra – Moment conducive to gaining strength
12th – Waxing Moon in SCORPIO – At this time there are no guarantees, persist
17th – Gibbous Moon in Capricorn – Moment conducive to persevering
19th – FULL MOON in AQUARIUS, at 18:25 UTC – Time of peaks, maximum energy
24th – Disseminating Moon in Taurus – Moment conducive to breaking patterns
26th – Waning Moon in GEMINI – Moment of withdrawal, auditing, finalizations
The month promises a lot of work. You have several opportunities to stand out in your professional life. If you wish, you can find new partners for your business. People trust you and invest in your ideas. It’s a good time to start a business. If you’re looking for a job, be careful during the interview. Your good communication skills make all the difference. Money comes through your constant work. There are no flashes of luck. If you need extra money, be prepared to work harder. Don’t come up with easy solutions. Your health remains very strong. You have the energy for long hours of work and the stamina for night meetings. It would be best to leave the medical exams for next month. Mercury retrograde can hinder your results. Love suffers. Until the 28th, there will be little romance and much criticism. You are demanding and don’t share your routine very much. In the last days of the month, everything goes back to normal. You open yourself up to love.
Good Days: 3,4,11,12,13,14,15,16,19,20,
August brings a few new things. Knowing this, organize your personal schedule. This is not the time to try to conquer the world. It is the time to strengthen your mind, acquire knowledge and become wiser. Keep working and fulfilling your obligations, but include personal goals in your daily life. Dedicate an hour every day to studying something new or reading an interesting book. Strengthen your foundations. Your health requires some attention. It is nothing serious. When you have free time, stay home. August calls for more connection with your home. Rest. If you have children in the family, bring them into your home. Play with them and have fun with creative activities. Do crafts, paint, embroider and sing. All of this helps your physical health. A hobby or physical activities add color to your month. Love is slow. Lower your expectations. Take better care of yourself and don’t worry about finding someone right now. Married couples stay together.
Good Days: 5,6,7,11,12,15,16,19,20,23,24,
August is a challenging month for you. The planets in retrograde are mistreating you. Things are moving slowly or at a standstill. You don’t like this scenario. This is a good month to create something intellectual. Write, edit and publish a material or book. This creative side is favored. Other professions suffer. There are no changes or new challenges at work. Mercury retrograde knots back what you unknot. Money may come late. Your physical health remains balanced, but your emotional health goes through turbulence. You may have moments of great enthusiasm and courage. Afterward, you may become pensive and discouraged. The biggest challenge in August is finding balance. Your sleep goes through changes and insomnia haunts you. Ideally, you would have a therapist to monitor your emotional issues. Love may happen, but you can’t handle the day-to-day life of the relationship. Married couples may wear out their partners with their personal demands.
Good Days: 1,2,8,9,12,17,18,19,20,23,26,
A profitable month. Take advantage of the first week of the month and the New Moon. This is the phase when you have the best opportunities. A new job opportunity, a promotion in your career or an extra job may come your way. Don’t miss this moment, stay alert. The biggest profits will be until the 21st. After that, you will worry about organizing your finances and trying to better manage what you have achieved. There are good profits for those who work in arts, crafts, parties, events, entertainment, pet shops, hotels, gastronomy and children’s themes. If you study, you may decide to change schools or courses. This is a good month to make this change. Home studies are also beneficial. Your health remains excellent. If you are undergoing medical treatment, you will make great progress. You feel very willing and full of energy. This strength accompanies you throughout the month. Love is not so good. Singles and married people have difficulties. Everything seems lukewarm and romance is not going well. It is Saturn’s fault.
Good Days: 1,2,4,8,9,11,12,17,18,19,20,
A month full of activities. August arrives with a lot of work and many invitations to meet up with friends. Your professional life continues to be very active. You stand out in your career and may seek a higher position. A new job, in another location, is welcome. Your finances are yielding good results. Money comes from continuous work and there is a lot of intuition in financial speculation. After the 21st, profits become visible. Knowing this, work hard in the first 20 days of the month. Only then move on to speculation. Your health is very good. You have vitality and enthusiasm. You want to take better care of your body and seek pleasant methods to balance your health. After the 25th, you can undergo cosmetic procedures to renew your look. Love is not your main interest this month. You are more interested in living well and being happy. There is a great desire for independence. If love happens, you enjoy it. Married couples remain together and in harmony.
Good Days: 3,4,8,13,14,17,18,21,22,23,24,
Good news! Your financial life takes off in August. You make a profit from your work and can explore other financial sources. If you speculate, take advantage of the moment. Your professional life is going through a good time. Despite Mercury retrograde, you are benefited and can advance your career. After the 25th, good new opportunities appear. Stay alert! Your health is complaining. Knowing this, remember to rest during the day. Take short breaks, and take a quick walk with deep breathing. A mantra can be repeated every hour. All of this helps to organize the mind and body. After the 21st, greater vitality. Love suffers and Neptune is to blame. Single people cannot decide what they want. Married people get into conflicts and need a lot of patience to find a point of agreement. The idea is not to have big issues such as home renovations or decisions about children and relatives. Leave it for September.
Good Days: 5,6,7,12,15,16,21,22,23,24,25,
August is slow for you. Don’t expect changes or major advances. Manage what you have and be wise. The retrograde planets affect you broadly. There is nothing important in your professional life. This may indicate that you will have a calm month, without problems. Your financial life goes through the same situation. No sudden gains. Money may arrive with some delay, so organize your budget to have enough breathing room until the 31st. Your health is very strong. You feel high levels of energy and good disposition. If you are undergoing any medical treatment, you will notice a significant improvement. Love happens in many situations. August is a good month for you to meet your partner. It could be on a trip, on a course or through friends. A colleague may introduce you to your future love. Pay attention when you are at school or company meetings. This is the environment where the chances are greater. Married couples will have a great month for love.
Good Days: 1,2,3,4,8,9,12,14,17,18,23,26,
Prepare for a certain slowness. August promises delays in work and payments. You may have less work at the beginning of the month. Even so, you don’t stop and try to force results. This wears you out and doesn’t generate much profit. After the 22nd, money comes more easily. Clients reappear and you calm down. Knowing this, organize a lean budget for the first two weeks. Your body goes through a general cleaning. Until the 21st, cleanse the toxins. The body itself will do the job. You can help with a healthier and greener diet. During this phase, physical energy levels may drop. Respect your time. After the 22nd, energy returns and you feel renewed. Love requires flexibility. Singles become too demanding. Nothing is good. But, if you have patience, you can find someone through dating sites. Married people may get irritated in the company of others. The best thing is to have some moments of solitude to miss someone.
Good Days: 1,2,3,4,11,12,13,14,19,20,23,
August promises a lot of contact with new places and other cultures. You may meet people who live far away or look for a job in a distant location. If you wish, you can look for another country. After the 21st, maximum strength in your professional life. There is a chance of growth and appreciation at work. Let your family and friends know. You will be very busy with the demands of your profession. Finances respond well.
Your health fluctuates a lot. Some days, you feel full of energy. On others, you wake up feeling sick. Even if you don’t have an illness, your body is giving you signs. It needs a new routine. Your intestines are your weak point, so consider changing your diet. Include a physical activity that moves everything. Love goes through difficulties with Mercury retrograde. Knowing this, avoid decisions and arguments in your married life. After the 25th, singles will be motivated to find a partner.
Good Days: 3,4,5,6,7,13,14,19,20,21,22,
A lot of power is concentrated on you! There is a spotlight shining on you. Take advantage of this to compete for a better position in the company or to win a desired position. Finances respond well to this moment. There is a good intuition for speculation and new investments. After the 21st, you will connect with other countries or distant regions. This could be a new friendship or a job opportunity. Take the opportunity to study a new language and expand your professional horizons. Since you are in power, don’t create mental limits. Your health will improve a lot. You have a good month ahead of you. If you are going to take elective medical exams, avoid the period of Mercury retrograde. The results may be confusing. Otherwise, there is a lot of vitality. Love is not so strong. There is no specific problem, but the retrograde planets slow everything down. You don’t feel much enthusiasm to look for a partner. Married couples remain stable.
Good Days: 4,5,6,7,8,9,15,16,17,18,23,24,
You’ll have a good time at work, at least until the 21st. There’s no sign of a change in your job, promotion or breakup. This is a month with few new events in your career. After the 22nd, you’ll feel that new things are starting to emerge. Even so, don’t expect radical changes in August. Money is tight in the last week of the month. Get organized so you can last until the 31st. Taxes and fines may come up and need to be paid. This is a good month to resolve estate issues. Your health still requires some care. Nothing serious, just special attention to physical and mental rest. After the 21st, your energy level increases. Until then, do your yoga, stretches and breathing techniques. Love happens and you have a good chance of starting a relationship. Your social life is lively and, during these outings, you’ll meet someone cool. The first week of the month is the best time to find love.
Good Days: 2,8,9,11,12,17,18,19,20,26,27,
August is prosperous for you. Good results come to those who work from home or in a family business. The professional bond with the family amplifies earnings. Home office is strengthened. Those who can choose should opt for home office for this month. Until the 21st, there will be plenty of energy to work. Take advantage and fill your schedule with many commitments. After that, you feel that there is not as much demand. If you earn per day, organize your budget for this reality. Work hard in the first 20 days. Whatever comes after, consider it profit. There are no large profits in financial speculation. Health remains good, at least until the 21st. After that, the body asks for more rest. Nothing serious, you’re just overworked. Love is good for single people. Married people and couples do not know if they want to continue with the relationship. They need time and dialogue. They cannot reach a conclusion. Good Days: 1,2,8,9,11,12,13,14,17,18,19,
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